I'm not sure why, but my henkei Bumblebee seems to always find himself stowed away in my backpack when I manage to travel somewhere. This one was when I went to the Philippines for a friend's wedding. It was in a resort-like place with a beach and a swimming pool. So, while I was away doing random wedding-y things, Bee woke up, and decided to do his usual waking up things. Even in unfamiliar surroundings. But since it was quite the walk to get there, he waited until I got back and hitched a ride in my pouch. I guess he really likes riding in my bags? I dunno. The wedding color theme was yellow. Someone thought that maybe Bee might've been part of the bridal entourage. He managed to escape bridal duties, but being bright and yellow and most importantly, being a TOY kind of attracted one of the kids in attendance. Poor bee. It took a little while before the kid finally found something else more interesting. Bee probably got sand in all sorts of different parts...
a blog about my toys' little adventures!