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the 2012 holiday greeting cards

Work has been kicking my ass these past few months - I have never been as busy in my job as I have been these recent times! But I really wanted to get some cards printed out to mail to friends this year. I keep wanting to do it every year, but something almost always comes up. Somehow, I got the motivation this year to really, really do it. Even if I practically have no free time.

Not sure how that works out for my brain and motivation, but hey, here we are. Two sleepless nights of setups and picture-taking, and a few trips to various printers to find one that printed decently and was open during hours when I could actually be around, and here is the result:

My Scattered Toys 2012 Holiday Greeting Cards featuring Transformers Avengers

The subjects are a mix of Transformers, Avengers and Minecraft. Plus Deadpool, who was a last-minute inclusion because he just happened to be there. I'm slightly disappointed in myself for not having one with DC Superheroes minifigs. Maybe next year.

One of my friends remarked, "Who sends cards these days?"  Hah! I love postal mail (both sending and receiving!). I don't care that people think it's such an "old school" thing to do. :D

Here's a picture of all the card covers:


Aren't they tacky? :D I didn't want to go for serious. Toys are great for tacky. :) I'll be the first to admit, the photography isn't superb, either. But if at least one person enjoys them (other than me, of course), then it was all worth it.

I've put them all in a PDF you can download (Right-Click, Save As: My Scattered Toys 2012 Holiday Greeting Cards) if you want to print some for yourself to give to kids or whoever for Christmas. There is 2 cards to a PDF. I had them printed at Unusual Print in the Bras Basah complex here in Singapore. Cool people working there, and they even helped cut out the cards for me!

If you don't feel like printing out some for yourself, and you've love to receive a card from me via postal mail, drop me a message with your postal address via the contact form in the Contact Page!

Now, I just hope the postal system doesn't fail me and at least gets the cards I've mailed out already to their recipients at least before the year ends! D:


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